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Get In Touch

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Hey, I’m Marcko, nice to meet you!

I’m a highly flexible digital artist with a technical background.

I started in electrical engineering and programming and ended with electronic media and photography. I'm interested in using technology to create, and in making that process simple for others.

I’d love to learn about your company and see how I can help, feel free to send me an email!

Get in Touch

SAYAW Rebranding

Dance competition rebranding

Creating the visual identity of Stony Brook University's largest dance competition View Project


Cultural club rebranding and media creation
2013 to 2014

My time as the Editor for the Philippine United Student Organization at Stony Brook University. View Project

FIND District III Logo Contest

T-shirt and logo design

Winning contest entry into the Filipino Intercollegiate Networking Dialogue’s Third District annual contest for a new logo/t-shirt design. View Project