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Student Work

Explorations in different media

U+1F491 2019 12” x 12” photograph

Composite of a photograph and 3D reconstruction

U+1F3D9 2019 Acrylic on 16” x 20” canvas

U+1F4F1 2019 Lithograph on 14” x 12.5” hand cut paper

Photo transfer on limestone.

U+1F4BB 2019 Lithograph on 13.5” x 14” hand cut paper

Observation of the merging of man and machine as it becomes more accessible and ingrained in daily life. Tusche on limestone.

U+1F393 2019 Lithograph on 21.5” x 21.5” paper

Commentary on education systems failing to promote unique thinking in the pursuit of higher standardized test scores and normalizing college. Crayon on limestone.

U+1F308 2018 20” x 20” color prints

This series explores the multiple personas of a person by using multiple lights with different color gels to cast multiple differently colored shadows. Multiple prints were created to further exaggerate the message.

U+1F328 2018 4:21 Video

How much video is enough to communicate an idea? This piece explores digital minimalism, whereas technology advances forward towards higher fidelity, the bare minimum amount of information necessary is rarely questioned.

U+1F5D1 2017 24 color prints on copy paper, crumpled up and thrown away

Shot in an instagram format, this series of photographs documents the trash I accumulated over a month; these telling you as much about me as any self-portrait could. These were then printed out, crumpled up, and scattered across the room to force viewers to engage with the portraits as trash.

Information Insecurity 2017 Website

A website that reframed the assumed private nature of browsing on your computer as public by simulating a hacking situation. A relatively innocuous survey gets hijacked; information from the user, both provided and inferred from various public database hacks, is then used to mock and intimidate them. Even if the user reloads the page, the hacking continues. Once finished, the site permanently breaks itself, further emphasizing the fragility of digital spaces.

​​U+1F3F3 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F308 2017 Website

A site that tried to challenge the perception of digital art and media in contrast to traditional art. Random stock photography was framed and “hung” on a digital wall, mirroring the showcase of art in a museum. The photographs would “glitch” and with the statement “This isn’t art.” underneath it, also experiencing a visual glitch. THe only way to proceed was to challenge the visually questionable statment, hovering over it to change it to “This is art.” and clicking. The site eventually led to a showcase of intentional glitch art where the manipulation and intentional breaking of image data is used as part of the artistic process.

Untitled 2016 Pencil, wax crayon, and charcoal on 3x 12”x12” paper

One of my earliest pieces, in learning to draw on paper (what could be referred to as destructive) I wanted to try presenting some aspect of my digital background (comparatively nondestructive) in a physical form.

Some additional works can be found, along with some breakdowns, references, and processes, at my student blog.

Hey, I’m Marcko, nice to meet you!

I’m a highly flexible digital artist with a technical background.

I started in electrical engineering and programming and ended with electronic media and photography. I'm interested in using technology to create, and in making that process simple for others.

I’d love to learn about your company and see how I can help, feel free to send me an email!

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